PiWi Grapes - the disease resistant crosses

PIWI (a German abbreviation) refers to a group of special cross-breed varieties.

- aka Eco-friendly viticulture without chemicals.


Start exploring our PiWi wines now: https://onceuponavine.sg/collections/piwi-grapes


"These were created by crossing European grape varieties and American fungus resistant varietals. Most of them still are known as hybrids or interspecific varietals and were first used in France from 1880 to 1935.

The aim was to combine the good resistance to diseases and phylloxera of the American grape varieties with the high quality of European varietals. Unfortunately these new varietals were not able to survive on their own root.

New cultures, which have been grown after 1950, are very complex, may have been created with Asian varietals and are the result of decades of crossings. They belong to the type Vitis vinifera because they are not to be distinguished taxonomically.

An official examination in comparing different grape varieties has proven the high quality in wine production of Piwi varietals."


For the full article click here.

Fancy having a go at the full German name? Go on ... try it:

"Pilzwiderstandsfähigen Reben"


Pilzwiderstandsfähigen rebenPiwi