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GRAN CUVEE MILLESIMATO Rose 2016 [iGreco] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeGRAN CUVEE MILLESIMATO Rose 2016 [iGreco] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine
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CHARDONNAY 2019 [Pojer & Sandri] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeCHARDONNAY 2019 [Pojer & Sandri] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine
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SYRAH Syrae 2016 [Pravis] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeSYRAE 2018 [Pravis] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine Singapore
$45 $55
SYRAE 2018 [Pravis] 75clPravis In stock, 46 units
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VALPOLICELLA Superiore 2017 [Tasi] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeVALPOLICELLA Superiore 2017 [Tasi] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine
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SATOR 2015 [Cianfagna] 75cl - Once Upon A VineSATOR 2015 [Cianfagna] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine
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ARVELE Freisa d'Asti Superiore 2016 [Cascina Gilli] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeARVELE Freisa d'Asti Superiore 2016 [Cascina Gilli] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine Singapore
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RASOLE 2016 [Barbanera] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeRASOLE 2016 [Barbanera] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine
99/99 LMNEWSave 5%
VECCIANO Rosato Duca Di Saragnano 2023 [Barbanera] 75clVECCIANO Rosato Duca Di Saragnano 2023 [Barbanera] 75cl
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POLIN Pinot Grigio 2019 [Pravis] 75cl - Once Upon A VinePOLIN Pinot Grigio 2019 [Pravis] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine
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COSTA DEI ZOPPI 2014 [Serra San Martino] 75cl - Once Upon A VineCOSTA DEI ZOPPI 2014 [Serra San Martino] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine Singapore
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SAVU 2019 [iGreco] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeSAVU 2019 [iGreco] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine
$29 $35
SAVU 2019 [iGreco] 75cliGreco In stock, 32 units
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TERAMARA 2018 [Pravis] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine SingaporeTERAMARA 2018 [Pravis] 75cl - Once Upon A Vine

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